![]() Suicide Note is in the hands of nearly 100 bloggers! Keep an eye out for reviews on your favorite blogger sites and Goodreads! Passion4Books - WOW!!! This book has it all… I could not walk away; even running on only 2 hours of sleep. I had to know what happened.. Suicide Note is not about death; but life, love, compassion, and so much more. Mummert does a fantastic job of pulling you into this book, putting you there with the characters. I can relate with this book more than Mummert even knows. I was an Army wife, my ex-husband was in the Iraq war. I know what it is like to wait for those phone calls. I was even in the EXACT condition as Jenn was while Shane was at war; so for me reading this book was astounding. I love being able to relate so closely with a book, feeling what the characters feel. There were times while reading this book I was so excited I could barely sustain my happiness for Jenn and Shane, there were times when I was crying my eyes out, sitting here fearing what was to come, what was going to happen. There are parts of this book that while reading it I felt Jenn’s emotions, I felt Shane’s love. This is one of those books that most people can relate to, they have had those times, feelings or emotions; they have had to overcome obstacles; in this book Jenn and Shane face a lot of obstacles as neither of them want to admit they truly need each-other and neither are willing to budge on opening up. Straight from the beginning I was wondering if their love would prevail or would life’s obstacles tear them apart…. By the time I finished reading this book I was in tears… This IS a MUST READ!!!! SwoonWorthyBooks - *****5 Tear Jerking, Fan-Flippin-tasitc Stars**** OMG! Teresa, I don’t know how you continue to break my heart and put the pieces back together like you do, But every time you do,you do it with such emotion. I have no words at this moment. This book was so incredible, I cried A LOT, I smiled, I loved and I devoured this book. The emotions you write in this book are so strong. I loved Jenn, strong, independent, and so unsure of herself. But Shane saw it all and knew she was the most amazingly strong compassionate person she was. This couple built each other up and only made life better for them. They both had been through tremendous heart break and trying times. But they both healed each other and taught each other to love again. This story was so true to a world that a lot of people don’t realize or know about. She really made the best picture of how military families live and the trials and tribulations of their lives. You hit the nail on the head, and only you could do it! I can’t wait for this book to release cause I do have some military wives as friends and I will be buying them a copy to read. Some of which their husbands are gone at this moment, and I think this would brighten their day and know they are not alone. I am not going to go to much into detail since this book isn’t out yet. But I will get more specific when it releases. I don;t want to spoil anything for anyone. MARCH 15th this book comes out, and I expect everyone to buy it and read it. I know you will not be let down with this book… HOOK, LINE, and SINKER!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS on another Amazing book Teresa! Now I am going to go have happy dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! StayBluReads - I am going to start my review by assuring that even though this book is called "Suicide Note" there is no suicide and it's not some dark depressing sad book. So DO NOT hesitate to get it, if that's your concern. I was honored to receive and ARC copy of this book even though it doesn't come out until March 15th. The child in me wants to say na-na na-na boo-boo but that would just be rude! When I got it, I sat at work bouncing up and down staring at the clock, and sneaking peeks of it at my phone. Shhh don't tell my boss. Oh wait, I am the boss. (note to the higher ups: All reading takes place during break time!)Anyway, enough of my alleged rule breaking and back to the book. In Suicide, we meet Jenn, who has just been handed life's big pile of crap. Her fiance cheated on her, her boss, Jake, is kind of a dick, her sister informs her that she's getting married, to Jenn's ex fiance and her parents don't really seem to understand what could possibly be wrong with Jenn other then Jenn. Then we meet Shane, who has also been handed life's stinky poo. As Shane is in Iraq, risking his life to defend his country, his fiance back home has decided the life of a soldier's wife isn't for her. She'd much rather prefer to life of a Dentist's wife. Instead of going back home to North Carolina, where his ex is, he decides to spend his leave with his cousin Jake. (Yes, the kind of a dick boss) When Shane comes to see Jake at work, he meets Jenn. That sadness that Jenn is carrying seems to call to Shane and he decides he wants to spend his leave with her and their friendship grows. I loved this book because of the honesty of it. Shane and Jenn, really do act like two natural people. Sometimes when authors are writing books, in order to be dramatic, they make their characters overly dramatic and unnatural but Teresa doesn't go there. Jenn reacts to things like most girls would in any given situation. Shane has the same hang ups as any guy would and doesn't demand from her what he wants because he knows it's right. He has the same insecurities that any man would have after having his heart broken. This was such a beautiful story and I absolutely loved it. -------------------------------------- What I Liked: Gosh what didn't I like? I loved the relationships in this book. The bond between Jake and Shane, the way May and Jake include Jenn in their lives. It's a great reminder that you don't have to be blood to be family. -------------------------------------- What I Didn't Like: So, not that I didn't like it, but the chapters are in date format and my confused little brain had a hard time in the beginning determining if I was in the present or in the past. -------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: “You got a girl waiting at home for you.” “Yeah, but she can’t moan in different languages.” “How do you moan in different languages? Doesn't it all sound the same?” “That’s what we need to find out.” The reviews are still rolling in. Thank you to all of the amazing bloggers who have taken the time to read my book. Love you all! Check out more reviews at Goodreads! |
TERESA MUMMERT is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her work includes word-of-mouth bestselling, White Trash Trilogy, which landed her a three-book publishing deal with Simon & Schuster. She is also the author of the wildly popular Honor Series which chronicles the taboo romance between a student and her college professor.
To date, she's written over twenty-five novels and plans for many more releases in the future. |